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1.Dmitri Pavlutin Blog#

I have been following his tutorials for a year, and his blogs are always on point and easy to understand. Don't forget to subscribe to his newsletter.

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2.Go Make Things by Chris Ferdinandi#

Sign up for his free email newsletter to get a short email each weekday with code snippets, tools, techniques, and interesting stuff from around the web.

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3.David Walsh Javascript Tutorials#

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1.Javascript Info#

The Modern JavaScript Tutorial, from the basics to advanced topics with simple, but detailed explanations. They have lots of practice questions.

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2.Exploring JS#

JavaScript books for programmers maintained by Dr. Axel Rauschmayer.

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3.Eloquent JavaScript#

This is a book about JavaScript, programming, and the wonders of the digital. You can read it online here, or buy your own paperback copy. Written by Marijn Haverbeke.

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4.Codesmith Free JavaScript Courses#

Will Sentance is co-founder and CEO at Codesmith, you may know him from Frontend Masters. You can find beginner to advanced JS courses and workshops and even join a remote pair-programming session.

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5.The JavaScript Beginner's Handbook (2020 Edition) by Flavio Copes#

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6.Learning JavaScript Design Patterns by Addy Osmani#

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7.A Smarter Way to Learn Javascript#

Learn by repetition with lots of exercises.

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8.Super Hero JS#

This page is a collection of the best articles, videos, and presentations related to Javascript.

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9.JS For Cats#

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10.Regex One#

Learn Regular Expressions with simple, interactive exercises.

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11.JavaScript Garden#

JavaScript Garden is a growing collection of documentation about the most quirky parts of the JavaScript programming language. It gives advice to avoid common mistakes and subtle bugs, as well as performance issues and bad practices, that non-expert JavaScript programmers may encounter on their endeavors into the depths of the language.

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12.Learn Javascript#

This book will teach you the basics of programming and Javascript. Whether you are an experienced programmer or not, this book is intended for everyone who wishes to learn the JavaScript programming language.

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13.Understanding ES6#

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14.Read Human Javascript#

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15.JS The Right Way#

This is a guide intended to introduce new developers to JavaScript and help experienced developers learn more about its best practices.

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16.Javascript is Sexy#

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17.JS Tips#

JS Tips is a collection of useful daily JavaScript tips that will allow you to improve your code writing.

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18.Dmitry Soshnikov's Javascript The Core 2nd Edition#

A quick introduction to the deeper ideas in JavaScript.

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19.Learn JS#

Interactive JavaScript tutorial. Whether you are an experienced programmer or not, this website is intended for everyone who wishes to learn the JavaScript programming language.

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Free JavaScript Resources.

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FreeCodeCamp is a non-profit organization that consists of an interactive learning web platform, an online community forum, chat rooms, online publications and local organizations that intend to make learning web development accessible to anyone.

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1.You Don't Know JS by Getify#

A book series on JavaScript. @YDKJS on Twitter.

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2.33 JS Concepts#

33 concepts every JavaScript developer should know.

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3.Clean Code Javascript#

Clean Code concepts adapted for JavaScript.

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4.Javascript Questions#

A long list of (advanced) JavaScript questions, and their explanations.

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5.30 Days Of JavaScript#

30 days of JavaScript programming challenge is a step-by-step guide to learn JavaScript programming language in 30 days. This challenge may take up to 100 days, please just follow your own pace.

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A list of funny and tricky JavaScript examples.

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7.Javascript Understanding The Weird Parts#

Notes from the JavaScript course by Tony Alicea.

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8.Javascript the Good Parts Notes#

Notes on the seminal JavaScript the Good Parts by Douglas Crockford.

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9.Javascript Algorithms#

Algorithms and data structures implemented in JavaScript with explanations and links to further readings.

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1.Fun Javascript Projects by Chris Dixon#

You will build a Tip Calculator, Running Tracker App, Guess The Number, Number Match Game, Photo Effects App, and a Music Player App, totally free.

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2.Javascript 30 by Wes Bos#

Build 30 things in 30 days with 30 tutorials.

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3.Watch And Code by Gordon Zhu#

Learn how to create a todo app with Javascript.

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Cheatsheets and Tools#

1.JS Features#

You can use this website as a reference for the ES5, ES6, and ES7 syntax.

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2.Equality Table#

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3.JavaScript Array Explorer#

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4.ES6 Cheatsheet by Swizec Teller#

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RegExr is an online tool to learn, build, & test Regular Expressions (RegEx / RegExp).

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6.ES6 Features#

Compare ES5 and ES6 codes here with examples.

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7.Keycode by Wes Bos#

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The definitive source of the best JavaScript libraries, frameworks, and plugins.

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Beautify, unpack or deobfuscate JavaScript and HTML, make JSON/JSONP readable, etc.

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Make your website smaller and faster to load by minifying the JS and CSS code.

This minifier removes whitespace, strips comments, combines files, and optimizes/shortens a few common programming patterns. And it comes with a huge test suite.

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Youtube Playlists#

1.Namaste ๐Ÿ™ JavaScript#

Namaste Javascript will cover the core concepts of JavaScript in detail and dive deep into JavaScript and the internals of how code is executed under the hood.

These concepts are covered in the playlist

  • Execution Context
  • Scope, Scope Chain & Lexical Environment
  • Hoisting in JavaScript
  • Closures in JavaScript
  • ... And more

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