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Resources include blog posts, free e-books, Github Repos with curated lists, practical implementation of React.js in the real world with working code. You can check out the source code and see what you can build with React.js.


1.React Rocks#

ReactJS examples with code - over 800 apps!

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2.Built with React#

A list of user interfaces built with ReactJS.

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3.Made with React#

A collection of websites and applications using the React or React Native JavaScript library.

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4.Use Hooks#

Easy to understand React Hook recipes by Gabe Ragland.

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5.React Patterns#

Get the latest React patterns, tips, and tricks right to your inbox.

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6.Free useEffect Course by Max Rozen#

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7.React Resources#

On React Resources you can discover new resources for most topics related to React, a JavaScript library for building user interfaces.

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8.React e-book by Chris Noring#

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9.React JS Example#

Check out example React JS sites with their Github repo.

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1.Awesome React Hooks#

A curated list about React Hooks.

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2.Awesome React#

A collection of awesome things regarding React ecosystem.

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3.React Redux Links#

Curated tutorial and resource links related to React, Redux, ES6, and more.

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4.Reactjs Interview Questions#

List of top 500 ReactJS Interview Questions & Answers.

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5.30 Days of React#

30 Days of React challenge is a step-by-step guide to learn React in 30 days. It requires HTML, CSS, and JavaScript knowledge. You should be comfortable with JavaScript before you start to React. If you are not comfortable with JavaScript check out 30DaysOfJavaScript. This is a continuation of 30 Days Of JS. This challenge may take up to 100 days.

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6.Awesome React Components#

Curated List of React Components & Libraries.

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1.Overreacted by Dan Abramov#

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2.The Definitive React Hooks Cheatsheet#

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3.Ibas Logic#

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4.Reed Barger's Blog#

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5.22 Amazing Open-Source React projects#

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6.React Kung Fu#

Sign up for React.js Kung Fu newsletter and get a free e-book with examples of React.js applications for FREE

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7.Dave Ceddia's Blog and Email Course#

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Free Courses#

1.Free Courses#

Here you can see the recommended free and paid courses by the Official React.js website.

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2.10 FREE courses to learn React#

Here you can find free courses from Udemy, Youtube, and Coursera.

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3.Learn React for Free#

Perfect starting point for any React beginner. Learn key React features through interactive coding challenges and exercises.

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1.Reacti Flux#

Reacti Flux is the largest community of React developers (110,000+)!

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